Fallopian tube patency testing
Fallopian tube patency testing consists of4 administration of a special contrast agent under ultrasound guidance, which fills the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes during patency testing, aligning with their shape, and visualising any abnormalities accurately. In a situation where the fallopian tubes are obstructed, the shadowing agent does not flow through them and does now flow into the peritoneal cavity.
Fallopian tube patency testing consists of4 administration of a special contrast agent under ultrasound guidance, which fills the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes during patency testing, aligning with their shape, and visualising any abnormalities accurately. In a situation where the fallopian tubes are obstructed, the shadowing agent does not flow through them and does now flow into the peritoneal cavity.
What is fallopian tube
patency testing?
What is fallopian tube
patency testing?
The fallopian tube factor accounts for roughly one-third of the causes of female infertility, and fallopian tube obstruction is one of the most common causes of infertility in women.
A simple vaginal ultrasound examination does not allow an accurate analysis of the uterine cavity or an assessment of the patency of the fallopian tubes. Patency testing allows for detecting abnormalities causing pregnancy issues such as:
• Submucosal fibroids
• Adhesions in the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes
• Tumours in the uterine cavity
• Endometriosis foci in the fallopian tubes
• Uterine cavity polyps
• Uterine defects
• Hydrosalpinges
A fallopian tube patency test is performed when ordered by a doctor to make a diagnosis or to determine precisely the specific nature of an existing disorder.
About testing
Practised approaches
Sono-HSG method
A sono-HSG sonohysterosalpingogram uses an ultrasound-guided colour Doppler method. The contrast medium here is saline and the tiny air bubbles it contains. This technique is ideally suited for screening.
Sono-HSG HyFoSy method
The most accurate and, at the same time, most comfortable method of assessing the patency of the fallopian tubes is an examination using special contrast foam with 2D or 3D ultrasound guidance (HyFoSy).
Sometimes, a sonohysterosalpingogram is also therapeutic, as the pressurised fluid clears blockades in the fallopian tubes and opens the path for egg fertilisation.
Good to know
for testing
The indications for testing include:
Infertility diagnostics
Suspected fallopian tube obstruction.. Appendagitis, in particular if recurrent and chronic, is a common cause of infertility. This occurs due to the formation of post-inflammatory adhesions. These are connective tissue scars that represent the body’s attempt to repair the injury caused by inflammation. However, the reconstructed tissue is never in the same form as prior to the disease, and is often comprised of fibrous connective tissue strands. They impair the patency and mobility of the fallopian tube. The egg cell cannot pass from the ovary to the isthmus of the fallopian tube, and on to the uterus. Fertilisation is not possible. For this reason, appendagitis (inflammation of fallopian tube, ovary) should never be neglected and should be treated accordingly.
Endometriosis. Endometriosis is an adhesion-cauing disease. It is now a fairly common disease. Through an unknown mechanism, fragments of uterine cavity mucosa pass outwards into the abdominal cavity and lodge on various organs, usually in the vicinity. They follow the monthly rhythm and bleed just like normal endometrium. The discharged blood causes tissue irritation and local inflammation, and consequently a whole sequence of events resulting in the formation of adhesions.
Diagnostics of congenital uterine defects.. Congenital uterine malformations develop in foetal life as a Müller duct development disorder (as it emerges from the Müller ducts), their fusion and ducting. The absence or underdevelopment of one of these paired ducts results in a unicornuate uterus.
Ovarian and pelvic assessment.. In a sonohysterosalpingogram, in addition to examining fallopian tube patency and the shape of the uterus, the ovaries and the environment of the entire reproductive organ (e.g. perianal adhesions) can also be visualised.
Normal results of 5 additional tests are required:
- mycoplasma hominis – cervical smear – result no older than 3 months
- ureaplazma urealiticum – cervical smear – result no older than 3 months
- chlamydia trachomatis- cervical smear – result not older than 3 months
- Vaginal biocenosis – result no older than 3 months
- cytology – result no older than 12 months
Testing is usually done during the first phase of the cycle, after the end of monthly bleeding and before the onset of ovulation. For females on BC, the procedure can be performed on any day once bleeding has stopped. The doctor decides when the testing should be carried out.
Before testing, consult either the testing physician or your attending physician.